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How do I create and share a Press kit?
How do I create and share a Press kit?
Isabel Heckman avatar
Geschreven door Isabel Heckman
Meer dan een maand geleden bijgewerkt

With Newsrooms, you can easily compile and share press kits. Click on the gearwheel icon at the top of the left column in the newsroom tab, and then select the Presskit tab.

Click on the plus sign at the top of the left column to create a new press kit. On the right, you will see the selected press kit and the files already included in it.

By clicking +Add file, you can add new files to the press kit. You do this from the File Manager. In the File Manager, you can upload files from your laptop by using the Upload button on the left.

Publishing a Press Kit

Next to + Add file, you can publish the press kit in your newsroom. Do you want to take a published press kit offline? Use the Unpublish button.

The press kits become visible in the header of your newsroom. Visitors to the newsroom will see the published press kits and can download individual files or all files from each press kit.

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