An introductory text to your mailing can help you make your press release more personal and therefore accessible for your recipients. You can greet the recipient by name, write a brief explanation about your press release and direct it to the recipient. Upon sending, the system will automatically fill in the first or last name of the recipient at the specified location. Is there a name missing, or are there general email addresses (e.g. for an entire department) in your list? The system will then inert an automatic 'fallback': a replacement salutation title of your choosing (e.g. 'Redaction').
How does it work?
By selecting your press release in the Campaigns section and clicking Edit, you'll get into the editor-screen, where you can edit your press release. When you check the field Introductory text option to the right of your press release, a text field will open atop your press release, in which you can write a short introductory message. Start, f.e., with the the salutation (e.g. Best/Dear) and a space. Then choose Insert name tag and indicate how you want to address the recipients; by their first name, by title or by surname. Subsequently the tag [name] will appear behind your salutation. The name of the recipient will be placed here upon sending. Please note: A comma is often placed after the name-tag for grammar reasons. Your introduction will usually look like the following this:
Dear [name],
Are you using a salutation with title ánd surname? Then you need to indicate how recipients should be addressed (e.g. Mr, Mrs, or Mx).
Underneath this field you need to enter the fallback; how the recipients should be addressed when their name is unknown, such as is often the case with a general contact of editorial team. Options could be editor, relation or reader.
Dear [name],
Below you can find the press release, which might be interesting for your target group.