In this article you can read how you can add attachments up to 20MB in the PRO Editor. To add attachments larger than 20MB, you can read this article.
PRO Editor
The PRO editor works slighty different than the Classic Editor and is a so-called 'row-editor'. By adding in different rows, you can quickly and easily design your press release. The rows can be added using the 'rows' button in the right column of the PRO Editor. You can then fill the rows with different types of content: image(s); button's; divider; socials and video.
How do you add an attachment in the PRO Editor?
Option 1
One of the options for adding an attachment is by hanging it behind a piece of text. You add a text block by choosing 'paragraph' as content. Here you can enter a text, for example 'Download attachment here', which you can then select. Behind this text you can find the insert/edit link button via the toolbar, with which you can add an attachment. You do this by changing the link type to file manager which makes it possible to upload or import a file. After you have uploaded or imported a file, click on insert. Your text will turn blue and the file will now hang behind the text.
Option 2
Hang the attachment behind an image. This time you choose 'image' as content. Then, you upload or import an image where you want to hang the attachment. After, click on the image, which will open a workspace on the right with the option link file. This opens the file manager where you can import or upload an attachment. If you now click on insert, the attachment will hang behind the image.
Option 3
For option 3, choose a 'button' under content. This works the same as option 2, where a work field with link type and link file opens on the right. If you click on link file, the file manager, with which you can upload or import an attachment, will open. Next, you insert this and the attachment will be in the button.